Cartonnage is a traditional craft originated in Europe, 18th century.
It's active in France now.
Origin of the Cartonnage is a box which contains tea-leaves from Asia by trade. Paper made boxes were good for keeping aromatic smells of the teas, so they were often used for.
It is usually a box made with hard and thick paper called "carton".
The box is wrapped by beautiful fabric or printed paper.
Oneday, my mother gave me a book, titled " Le Cartonnage: French style fabric-wrapped box" (Chiharu Hirooka, 2000, (c)Bunka Publishing Bureau). It was a inspiration to begin this handicrafts.
My mother makes patchworks and quilts as her hobby for along time. Therefore it is natural to me becoming familiar with handicrafts using fabric.
There are over 200 works which I made for 10 years. This site is established to show them to many people.
Recently, I use some Japanese classic fabric. I think it's a good mixture of Western and Eastern culture.
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Site owner and Cartonnage creator "Z=Grace"
Cartonnage making, texts and photos
by Ai Tabata